Dutch Bros Coffee is coming to Cheyenne (for real)

Dutch Bros Coffee sign on the North Lincoln Avenue location in Loveland, Colorado - Optopolis

That's right, Dutch Bros Coffee is trying again, and it looks significantly more promising this time around! A Dutch Bros location is slated to be built along East Pershing Boulevard just west of the Pershing Marketplace.

Previous events with Dutch Bros and Cheyenne

Back in late 2021, site plans visible in the Cheyenne City Planning and Development website indicated the old Dell Range Rolando's Mexican Grill would be demolished and that Dutch Bros was planning to build a restaurant there.

View of former Rolando's on Dell Range - Optopolis

About a year later in late 2022, there was a "Building Permit Reimbursement" item added to one of the permits, requesting closure of the account and reimbursement of the building permit at the site of the former Fernando's. Not long after, the former Fernando's was put back on the market, and a temporary sign advertising the location still stands in front of the restaurant to this day.

Dutch Bros is officially coming to Cheyenne! (for real)

Recently, a member of Cheyenne Community Connections group posted that the Dutch Bros locator had been updated to include the Cheyenne location, and it indicates that the new restaurant is coming soon! But let's back it up a little bit.

A view in mid-2023 of the land where Dutch Bros Cheyenne location will soon be - Optopolis

As of June 2023, the Cheyenne City Planning ArcGIS map displayed a PUDC project item marker for Dutch Bros Coffee south of East Pershing Boulevard and just west of McCann Avenue. The map notes that the item was created 06/08/2023 at 2:53 PM MT.

Now jumping back to the present. Over the last two months of 2024 (January to February), permits have been submitted (dated 1/16/2024 and 2/12/2024) for the new Dutch Bros Coffee restaurant. Located in the Holmes Corner area and just southwest of the intersection of East Pershing Boulevard and McCann Avenue, the new Dutch Bros is planned to have a drive thru and a walk-up window.

View of the walk-up window at the Dutch Bros Coffee on North Lincoln Avenue in Loveland, CO - Google Maps Street View

Site plans indicate that the sidewalk along East Pershing Boulevard and next to the restaurant will be widened and offset away from the road. An outdoor seating area will sit just north of the building, and at least two pedestrian connections from the seating area to the public sidewalk around the building will be added.

Dutch Bros' drive thru will have a two-lane ordering setup where the ordering lanes will merge into a single lane for the pickup-window (somewhat similar to McDonalds' drive thrus). Although walk-up and drive thru service are the emphasized aspects of the new restaurant, some parking will be provided just south of the restaurant. The entry for the drive thru and parking lot will use the existing entry point on McCann Avenue that is already aligned with Pershing Marketplace's parking lot entry, although there is potential to eventually connect Dutch Bro's parking lot closer to Breeze Thru Car Wash.

View of the soon-to-be Dutch Bros from the west entry into Pershing Marketplace - Optopolis

The preliminary concept plan indicates that many trees and bushes will be added in the area of the new Dutch Bros Coffee although some minor differences compared to the site plans may affect where some of these trees are placed. The site plans are dated 10/21/2023 whereas the preliminary concept plan is dated 03/08/23.

The description of the "Restaurant/Bars New" permit indicates that "the building will [occupy] approximately 920 square feet," and it "will [use] wood[en] framing." The average Dutch Bros Coffee is about 950 square feet according to Net Lease Advisor although they often do feature two drive thru pickup windows (one on each side of the building), not just one (as is planned to be the case this time).

Dutch Bros standalone sign at the North Lincoln Avenue location in Loveland - Optopolis

Many of the permits for the project have already been marked as approved. The ones that aren't listed as "approved" in the website are noted as "In Progress."

Crews are already starting on the project!

If you've passed by the area of East Pershing Boulevard and McCann Avenue recently, you may have noticed construction crews already working on grading the land; you may even have noticed the row of construction vehicles parked along the bottom edge of the hill.

Komatsu excavator sits across the property from a line of other construction equipment - Optopolis

A Coldwell Banker Commercial sign in the area indicates that there were "4 lots for sale" on Healthworks' land located between McCann Avenue and the Pershing Breeze Thru Car Wash, and the sign displays three "sold" sections of land including the section where Dutch Bros will soon be located.

A sign along McCann Avenue displays the numbers, "2828," suggesting that the property is set to be located at 2828 McCann Avenue, although the property assessor doesn't currently display an exact street address of the property, and the permits don't display the street address either. However, Dutch Bros' locator lists the soon-to-be Cheyenne location at 3715 East Pershing Boulevard, so it's not yet certain what the official* street address of Dutch Bros will be.

"2828" sign displayed on McCann Avenue at the site of the soon-to-be Dutch Bros Coffee - Optopolis

Currently, it's not clear here at Optopolis when the new Cheyenne Dutch Bros will open (no official date has been set and released to the public), but if all the other drive-thru establishments built in Cheyenne in recent years are any indication, it is possible the Cheyenne location will be built before the end of 2024, especially seeing that most drive-thru restaurants tend to be built within less than a year.

Update 04-05: Opening date in the works

The Dutch Bros building is officially being built, and there is now a sign on the property that indicates Dutch Bros is coming soon. Since the initial time of publishing this article, there is now a fence surrounding the construction site.

Dutch Bros coming soon sign displays rendering of soon-to-be coffee shop - Optopolis

There is now a Facebook page and an Instagram profile dedicated to Dutch Bros Wyoming, and the account specifies in several different parts of their pages that the Cheyenne store will open in summer of 2024.

Update 04-18: Hiring party

At 10 AM to 4 PM on Saturday 4-20, 2024, Dutch Bro's is holding a hiring party at LCCC. It will be held in the "Center for Conferences & Institutes in rooms CI129 and CI130."

Now Hiring sign at the site of the soon-to-be Dutch Bros - Optopolis

According to the sign that can be found at the site of the soon-to-be Cheyenne Dutch Bros Coffee, those who join the team have opportunities including "fun culture, free swag, tips, tuition assistance, flexible schedules, free drinks, and growth opportunities."

Update 06/17 - Dutch Bros opening Friday!

This Friday, the Cheyenne Dutch Bros Coffee will open, as announced by Dutch Bros Wyoming on Instagram! This comes just a few weeks after signage was installed on and around the building, at the end of May.

Dutch Bros Coffee's Standalone sign the day it was installed, May 30th. - Optopolis

What are your thoughts of Dutch Bros *actually* coming to Cheyenne? Do you think they'll be successful here, and do you think it'll create a significant increase in competition for the other coffee shops in town? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

*Technically and legally speaking, I guess you could say Dutch Bros is, according to the preliminary conceptual plans, located at Lot 9, Block 1, Holmes Corner (or if you look at the Property Assessor GIS map, it's Holmes Corner Lot 12, Block 1), but let's be real, no average Jane or John Doe will say that since that's a legal description, not the street address. I'll do you one better; here are the coordinates: 41°08'42.6"N 104°45'51.1"W

Originally published: 02/24/2024 at 11:02 AM

Updated: 02/24/2024 at 9:30 PM to add a link for the locator.

Updated: 04/05/2024 at 2:29 PM to add new information about the Dutch Bros.

Updated: 04/18/2024 at 10:18 PM to add additional info about hiring.

Updated: 06/17/2024 at 12:46 PM to add info about opening day. At 1:52 PM, added further detail to today's update section.


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