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Welcome to Optopolis' Retail News!

Here on BlogSpot, Optopolis creates articles on retail/urban topics in and around Cheyenne, Wyoming. The idea is to document current events in the best and most accurate way possible in the moment, capturing things that may otherwise be missed.

For those unfamiliar, Optopolis mainly started with an interest in urban exploration, history, and video production. Optopolis primarily creates content in Southeastern Wyoming and Northern Colorado, occasionally also venturing into the vicinity of Southwest Nebraska.

Here on Blogger (or BlogSpot), Optopolis' focus is more specifically on current (retail-related) events in the area of Cheyenne, Wyoming. There is no set schedule for posting articles here, but typically, articles are posted midday and vary in frequency-- Generally, articles may come as much as several times per week or as little as once every four weeks depending on what's happening in Cheyenne and with Optopolis.

Note: All dates and times listed on the articles and anywhere on are always displayed in Mountain Time unless otherwise specified.

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All photos, videos, etc. created by Optopolis are protected by copyright where applicable, and any featured third-party photos are protected by their respective laws and restrictions. You may not use any of Optopolis' content without the written consent of Optopolis; alternatively, you can easily license much of Optopolis' content by visiting The Retail Photographer (find TRP links on the TRP Link Tree).

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