Cheyenne is getting another McDonald's!

"Now Hiring" sign as seen in a recent live stream - Optopolis on YouTube, during Chapter 3:06:15 If you've been on the south side of town recently, you may have noticed a sign indicating that McDonald's is building a new location... Perhaps, you may even have seen the "now hiring" banner at the site of the soon-to-be McDonald's. Here's some McD history as well as what's known so far! A glance at McDonald's previous Cheyenne locations and history McDonald's roots in terms of Cheyenne go back to 1958, when McDonald's was beginning to look at opening a Cheyenne location, as noted on page 114 of this E-Book on Yumpu . The very first Cheyenne McDonald's location is the one any Cheyenne resident will likely recognize, located on E Lincolnway near Hot Springs Avenue; the E-Book notes that it originally opened in 1959. The location has undergone several redesigns over the years, most recently being demolished and rebuilt sometime between ...